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User Fees

The equipment usage is on a fee-per-use basis.

Fee structure: This has been determined so as to cover only the necessary operating expenses of the Facility, including supplies, routine maintenance, computer software and hardware upgrades, replacement of consumable items, and occasional repair visits. The fees do NOT contribute to the capital cost of the instruments. Fees are the minimum they may reasonably be to support operation of the Facility.

Facility Membership and Usage: Faculty members affiliated with Indiana University or researchers whose primary affiliation is with a IU faculty member are eligible for discounted instrument usage rates. Academic research groups outside the area of Indiana University may conduct experiments on Facility equipment at an Academic Rate. Non-academic researchers are invited to contact the Facility Manager to discuss usage arrangements.

Instrument usage fees are based on a two tiered structure as outlined below:

Instrument Location IU Rate1 Academic Rate2
Subscription fee. Screening Assistance* SI401 $260 /year $600 / year
Subscription fee. Optimization Assistance* SI401 $1100 /year $2500/ year
Subscription fee. Data Collection Assistance* SI401 $1100 /year $2500 / year
Subscription fee. Structure Determination Assistance** SI401 $1600 /year $3500 / year
Alchemist*** SI401 no cost no cost
Gryphon*** SI401 no cost no cost
Phoenix*** SI401 no cost no cost
Minstrel*** SI401 no cost no cost
96-3 UV+ Plate SI401 $50 / 1 sample 3-well plate $60 / 1 sample 3-well plate
96-3 UV+ Plate SI401 $60 / 2-3 samples 3-well plate $70 / 2-3 samples 3-well plate
96 Well Hanging Drop SI401 $70 / plate $80 / plate
24 Well Linbro SI401 $35 / plate $50 / plate
Deep Well Block SI401 $65 / block $75 / block
Tools, Scopes and Linux Machines SI401 no cost no cost
Technical Support and Consultation SI401 no cost $150 / hour

1 The Member Rate is applicable to researchers whose primary affiliation is with an IU faculty member.

2 The standard Academic Rate is applicable to extramural academic researchers. Note that Facility Members will be given scheduling priority on all instruments.

* Subscription fees Examples

Example 1. A group with ample X-ray crystallography expertise should pay only Screening Assistance ($260) since assistance in the rest of steps is not needed.

Example 2. A group requiring assistance in all the structure determination steps should pay the sum of subscription fees ($4060).

** $250 will be charged for every additional structure, beyond the first one, for external groups.

*** There is no cost for Equipment usage per experiment once the subscrition fee is paid.

NOTE: For full description and explanation of user fees, please contact the Facility Manager